Project Overview
The Southeast (SE) Connector Project has constructed 3.3 miles of arterial roadway under multiple phases since 2007, reaching its current terminus at SE 30th Street in 2016. The east end cap of the project, located in the City of Pleasant Hill, was opened in 2020. This only leaves two (2) miles of mainline left for construction. To date, $79.5 Million has been spend on construction costs with another $37.5 Million invested in administration, engineering, right-of-way, and demolition. The remaining section of roadway is estimated to cost $58 Million.
The final unconstructed section of the SE Connector has been formally approved with the Record of Decision. The “Yellow Alignment” as described in the Record of Decision was selected to be the route from SE 15th Street to U.S. Highway 65. Construction is expected to begin in 2024.