Southeast Connector
The City of Des Moines and the Iowa Department of Transportation (IaDOT) recognize the merits of identifying a future transportation corridor to serve projected 2030 travel demand in the southeast Des Moines metropolitan area. Implementing the Southeast (SE) Connector would provide benefits to the city and metropolitan area as follows:

Enhanced Mobility, Access and Opportunity
The Southeast Connector will result in an efficient, direct access corridor to address the mobility needs of this quadrant of Des Moines and the broader metropolitan area. Improvements will increase access to existing neighborhoods, business and industry, as well as facilitate future developments, such as the Agrimergent Technology Park.

Roadway Capacity
Traffic projections predict that by 2030 the current road network will be unable to accommodate expected traffic levels. Without investment in the corridor, travelers would likely have to divert to a longer and less efficient route that could compromise economic competitiveness.

Economic Revitalization and Goods Movement
The SE Connector will provide economic redevelopment opportunities for the area southeast of the Central Business District and will improve goods movement for existing and future truck traffic throughout the City of Des Moines.

System Connectivity Improvements
The Southeast Connector will provide Des Moines’ southeast side with a direct, safe and efficient link to the downtown and the broader regional transportation system.
Project Videos and Maps
Pleasant Hill Boulevard & Vandalia Road Videos
Final Segment (SE 30th – US 65) Videos
Project Updates
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